#To fight corruption we must ...
Corruption is an internationally spread phenomenon that can exist in every society, disregarding how developed or underdeveloped they are, which varies in size and degree between different cultures.
Corruption is an internationally spread phenomenon that can exist in every society, disregarding how developed or underdeveloped they are, which varies in size and degree between different cultures.
The “MENA” region states suffer from stalled/ ineffective efforts to fight corruption. For instance, in its Corruption Perceptions Index 2021 report, “Transparency International” revealed that Arab countries scored 39 out of 100, with UAE and Qatar having the best performance. Libya, Yemen, Somalia, and Syria came at the bottom of the list as the worst scoring countries regionally and Internationally.
Although the leading causes of the rise and spread of corruption are similar in most societies, the interpretation of this phenomenon varies among people depending on cultural differences and standard practices. Equally, corruption is viewed with different perceptions can be Political, Economic, or social.
In the absence of a clear strategy to address corruption in the Arab World, The Munathara Initiative Launched a regional televised Townhall entitled #To_fight_corruption_we_must…
The debate will host 15 young men and women from 15 Arab-speaking countries to discuss the topic of corruption, accompanied by experts in the field. The live show will be aired live on May 29th on many TV and radio stations.
#The_Munathara_Initiative #Al_Munathara_Townhall