Opinion Makers is a youth-oriented project that aims to strengthen the debate culture in Tunisia and Lebanon by empowering a new generation of opinion leaders to shape important national conversations. In pursuing this objective, Opinion Makers will expand public spaces for conversation, foster civic participation of underrepresented voices and marginalized communities, promote accountable governance through constructive engagement between duty-bearers and citizens, and give rise to and support emerging opinion leaders in the region.
Lubnan Townhall is Munathara’s public interest media initiative, bringing together a number of the country’s leading broadcasters to air a series of townhalls through a single, unified feed. The programs will discuss major national challenges facing Lebanon and feature the voices of young citizens from across the country.
Omour T’hemna (“What Matters to Us”) is a Public Interest Media project established in partnership with the Tunisian Union of Associative Media (UTMA) to produce local associative web-FM radio shows accessible to listeners across all 24 of Tunisian governorates.
The main goal of the program is to enliven fact-based discussions, debates, and dialogues on political, social, economic, and cultural issues of local scope through the active participation of informed youth commentators (aged 16-24) with politicians, journalists, and other experts in their fields.
Debating Our Destiny (DOD)
DOD aims to empower youth, women, and marginalized communities (YWM) across Arabic speaking communities in 15 countries, including: Morocco, Mauritania, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Sudan, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, and Yemen, and diaspora communities in Turkey, France and Germany.
About Us
Arab scholars have a long and storied history of debate, and Munathara is building upon this tradition to support all Arabic speakers to participate in shaping the future of the region. We believe it is more important than ever before for rational, reasoned and constructive discourse to be the forge in which ideas are expounded, tested and improved upon for the benefit of all.

Community Participation
Parallel to its online outreach campaigns, The Munathara initiative works closely with local and regional civil society organisations. Munathara’s certified outreach debate trainers provide on the ground training sessions...

Online Engagement
During the Arab Spring, social media platforms played a vital role in the dissemination of information between different regions. By the end of 2019, internet penetration rates in the Arab region reached 70%.

Reviving Arab debate culture
Scholars in the MENA region have a long and storied history of debate. Munathara is building upon this tradition to support all Arabic speakers to participate in shaping the future of the region.
Impact TV
Since its establishment in 2012, the Munathara Initiative has promoted the voices of youth, women and marginalized (YWM) communities in the Arabic public sphere to meet their growing desire for participation in society, politics, and governance.
Tunisia is one of the countries with the highest number of researchers and ranked first in the Arab world for the num
The education sector in Tunisia has undergone significant transformations since independence with the introduction of
Tunisia has committed, since its independence, to a range of laws and treaties to protect women's rights and grant th
Social media is considered one of the most important technological developments that the world has witnessed in recen
This is the topic of the third episode of the program "Zaama", discussed by the debaters: Sajja Al-Hajj Tayeb from th
Corruption is an internationally spread phenomenon that can exist in every society, disregarding how developed or und
Domestic violence incidents have recently increased dramatically in Tunisia.
Since 2011, successive governments in Tunisia fell between two key problems, social demands and structural reforms of
With the outbreak of the so-called Arab revolutions, social media took on a new resonance, particularly on the Facebo
Public Interest Media
The Munathara Initiative launches a dedicated Musabaqa “Competition” for each of its live shows.
Corruption is an internationally spread phenomenon that can exist in every society, disregarding how developed or underdeveloped they are, which va
Since 2011, successive governments in Tunisia fell between two key problems, social demands and structural reforms of the economy, which required a
With the outbreak of the so-called Arab revolutions, social media took on a new resonance, particularly on the Facebook platform, where young peopl
Domestic violence incidents have recently increased dramatically in Tunisia.
The economic meltdown in Lebanon has severely damaged the medical sector and its beneficiaries.
Tunisia is falling back in the global market following its “CAA1” classification by Moody's Investors Service hitting Tunisia’s credibility with in
The media sector is arguably the biggest beneficiary of the freedom of expression that Tunisia gained following the 2010-2011 revolution. This is
Tunisian youth is an important demographic.
Public education was one of the main pillars of modern state-building in Tunisia.
Parallel to its online outreach campaigns, The Munathara initiative works closely with local and regional civil society organisations. Munathara’s certified outreach debate trainers provide on the ground training sessions to Arabic speakers both within and outside the MENA region, especially focusing on marginalised and rural areas.
في إطار مسابقة مناظرة DD24 حول الأطروحة "ترمب أفضل للعالم العربي" أشرف المدرب عدي عموش على ورشة تدريبية بمشاركة شباب نادي الثقافة والإعلام بجامعة ا
The Syrian trainer Bayan Al Othman conducted an interactive session with a group of syrian refugees in Turkey, regarding the topic of ' religion s
Munathara's Jordanian coach 'Malek Sebaii' has conducted an interactive session in the Blue Zone in Jordan with the Youth Council and the Organizat
Munathara's Syrian Trainer ' Bayan Al Othman' conducted a workshop with syrian refugees in turkey in collaboration with 'lightning center for rese
In Morocco, our trainer Khalil Dekiki completed a training interactive session with students of Political Science in Rabat on DD25's Topic 'Russia
In algeria, our trainer Fatma Hamdi has conducted a workshop in the region of Betna in collaboration with the National organization of the voice of
In Tunisia, Munathara's trainer Achref Wannas conducted a productive training session with young students and social activists in the region in col
In algeria our trainers completed a training session with a groupe of social activists.
In Hulool competition, our Moroccan trainer Sofiane Saoudi has conducted a workshop in the city of Tiflet in collaboration with a group of young ac
Twitter Feed
Press & Media
The story of the Munathara Initiative, told by Alessandra Bajec on The NEWARAB.
Khouloud Mabrouk, Editorial Team member, was the Sunday guest on "Al Lama" show on Shems FM radio to talk about "#Zaama_TownHall #We_Change_Law52_InOrderTo.
AL Arab Uk covers the #Zaama_TownHall" #We_Change_Law52_InOrderTo.
Ahmed Abid, the Senior Communications Coordinator, talks about "#Zaama_TownHall" #We_Change_Law52_InOrderTo.
The Munathara Initiative is a registered non-profit organization founded in 2012, with offices in Washington D.C. and Tunis, Tunisia. The Initiative aims to create an independent and inclusive discussion and debate platform in the Arabic speaking region regardless of their age, gender or background to create a public sphere characterized by evolvability and tolerance towards different points of view.
خمس حلقات في انتظاركم يوم الجمعة 27/09/2024
Following the 2010-2011 uprising, a number of Tunisian officials, including ex-President Beji Caid Essebsi committed to a reform of the law.
The Munathara Initiative team discussed the various aspects and impacts of the DOD project.
أرفع رأسي لأرى القائد يمتطي حصانه هو لا ينظر الينا ولا يرى زحمة السير، لا يسمع أ أصوات المنبهات وضجيج المارة.
إن الحديث عن وجود مؤامرة غربية على العالم العربي هو ضرب من الخيال ، قد تستغربون الحكم السريع الذي بدأت به هذا المقال ،لكن هذه هي الحقيقة التي قد تص