Musabaqa round 1
Is Tunisia on the right path? New Musabaqat Munathara (#DD6) online debate competition is now open Munathara is back with a new debate on the question: Two winners of the Musabaqa will get the chance to participate in our live panel debate on 8 November 2012, along with two leading Tunisian politicians. The competition is open to all Tunisians nationals. To participate in the competition, you can upload an opinion video of up to 99 seconds on Munathara.com with your take on the question.
Is Tunisia on the right path? New Musabaqat Munathara (#DD6) online debate competition is now open Munathara is back with a new debate on the question: Two winners of the Musabaqa will get the chance to participate in our live panel debate on 8 November 2012, along with two leading Tunisian politicians. The competition is open to all Tunisians nationals. To participate in the competition, you can upload an opinion video of up to 99 seconds on Munathara.com with your take on the question. Before submitting the video, you will be prompted to decide which side you will be arguing for (YES/NO). Your video will then appear on the website and can be rated by other users. You can share your video on Facebook or Twitter and invite your friends to rate your contribution. The winners will be determined through online rating. All videos will also be published on Twitter and Facebook. Below is a timeline for the current Musabaqa (#DD6):
22 October – Launch of Musabaqa
28 October – Last day to submit videos for the Musabaqa
31 October – End of voting at midnight, Tunis time, top three debaters in each camp qualified for Round Two
1 November – Round Two: Winners will be presented with a surprise motion and get 20 minutes to prepare their contribution, which will be recorded by Munathara staff
2-5 November – Voting for Round 2
5 November, midnight Tunis time: One winner will be announced for each camp to participate in the live panel debate
8 November – Live panel debate in Tunis
For more information on how to submit your video, please check our “Tips” on this website. You can also get in touch with our outreach team by sending an email to musabaqa@munathara.com We will publish regular updates on Munathara.com, our Facebook and Twitter feeds. Good luck with the Musabaqa!