ترامب الافضل لان تصريحاته ربما ستؤدي توحيد وتكاتف العرب مع بعضهم ليسكلو قوة ضد السياسية المعادية لهم.
وايضا بظهر الوجه الحقيقي لامريكا ودعمها التام والاعمى لاسرائيل، وهذا يشكل للعرب حافز للبحث عن وسيط آخر بعلاقة مع اسرائيل.
يا صديقي العربي .. أتقبلان تكون وزيرة الخارجية الامريكية والتي في عهدها، مزقت ليبيا .واستبيح الدم اليمني
لست ضد اليسار بل بالعكس، معه ومع مبادئه التي يطالب بها من حرية ومساواة وعدالة اجتماعية، ولكني ضد ان يكون البديل في الدول العربية، لاختلاف المنطقة العربية ثقافيا وسياسيا واجتماعيا ودينيا، عن تجارب اليسار الناجحة في بعض دول العالم، ويمكن ان يكون اليسار بديل وليس البديل، بعد ان يصوب ويعدل مساره.
هشام عطا - فلسطين
The Syrian crisis enters its seventh year with Russia in control; shown in its military intervention, as well as sponsoring negotiations between Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime and representatives of the opposition.
For decades, the Arab World has felt the profound effects of US foreign policy. This November, the American people will select a new president who will steer that policy during a time in which Americans and Arabs alike question the US’s role in the Middle East.
Join us, and upload your opinions. Videos must be 99 seconds or less, and must include the hashtag #LeftIsTheAlternative. Videos must be uploaded by August 03rd, 23:00 GMT time and voting ends August 07th, 23:00 GMT time.
"I have a dream that my children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." -- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr."
Attitudes to social media vary greatly on the role played in our daily life; this role is amplified each passing day as social media becomes one of the most effective ways to communicate with individuals all over the world.
As the Syrian crisis enters its fifth year, the Syrian people still seek a solution to resuscitate their country, return its soul, and hope that this will stop the bleeding wound.