أنا هنا مدافعة عن حقوق الإنسان، إنسان في إنسانيته مطعون....
سلام...حب...أمان...أين هو العدل في هذا الزمان؟
من حق غبري أن يكسر حواجز الحدود و التضاريس...
من حق غيري أن يعيش...يعيشب بسلام...
The Arab world is going through a crucial phase, where regimes change, public opinion shifts and societies see taboos break. To ensure a healthy and democratic transition, societies have to engage in extensive dialogue and agree on founding ideals.
Attitudes to social media vary greatly on the role played in our daily life; this role is amplified each passing day as social media becomes one of the most effective ways to communicate with individuals all over the world.