بالطبع داعش انقذت الانظمة العربية من الربيع العربي فاصبحت الشعوب تطالب بالامن والسلام بدلا من مطالبتهم برحيل الحكام وهذا الامر اعطى الحكام فرصة اخرى للبقاء في سلطة الحكم والاسد خير دليل على ذلك
Today, we as Arabs are not OK. Our societies live through a traumatic period of crises, and look towards an uncertain future. Our hope is our youth, who today have never been more world-conscious, sophisticated and creative.
In the third installment of Munathara Policy Debates series, Munathara took on an issue the entire Arab world is talking about: what role should Islamic political parties play in the democratic process in the region? See statistics for Musaqaba #DD13