I was exited when i took part in this program and i was so delighted to make this video because no one can deny that art has an important role in changing the reality and the society
well, irealy bellive in that because art has changed my life.
and if I didn't follow the art's path
I think i would've lost my talent, i would've not discovered this world .. i would've lost myself
and today, as an artist I can say #No_Way_For_Change_Without_Art
Today, we as Arabs are not OK. Our societies live through a traumatic period of crises, and look towards an uncertain future. Our hope is our youth, who today have never been more world-conscious, sophisticated and creative.
#DDX inspires new solutions based on your ideas. Submit a video of up to 99 seconds about the change you want to see, and why. Start your submission with the hashtag #ThereWontBeChangeUnless, followed by your idea and the reason why it is your priority for change in the Arab world.